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Bicycle Accidents

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Chicago Bicycle Injury Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident in or around Chicago, the skilled bicycle injury attorneys at Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. are committed to helping you understand legal case. Our profound understanding of Chicago's bicycle ordinances and personal injury law ensures that we provide top-tier legal representation, aiming to secure the compensation you deserve.

We are very experienced in bicycle injury insurance claims and lawsuits, understanding the nuances of local ordinances that impact cyclists. Whether you are dealing with an accident caused by a motorist's negligence or a violation of cycling regulations, we are equipped to handle your case with expertise.

Comprehensive Knowledge of Chicago Bicycle Ordinances

Our attorneys have legal expertise in the rights and duties of cyclists as outlined in the Municipal Code of Chicago. These include, but are not limited to:

9-52-020: Understanding the restrictions on riding bicycles on sidewalks and certain roadways, crucial when accidents occur in prohibited areas.

9-52-040 and 9-52-045: Knowledge of the rules regarding yielding the right-of-way and the required signals for bicycle operators, which are often pivotal in accident claims.

9-52-080 Expertise in equipment regulations such as required headlamps, reflectors, and brakes that could factor into accident liability.

9-52-110 Awareness of the prohibition against the use of communication devices while operating a bicycle, an increasingly common issue in accidents.

Strategic Legal Action & Support

At Zneimer & Zneimer P.C., we use our in-depth knowledge of local laws to benefit our clients. We provide strategic advice on how specific Chicago ordinances like the speed limits for bicycles, riding in single file, and the use of low-speed electric bicycles can affect your injury claim. We also take into account how these ordinances may impact your case, from determining liability to securing evidence.

Navigating Your Claim with Precision

We meticulously analyze each case against the backdrop of relevant Chicago bicycle ordinances. Whether it's dealing with the intricacies of riding regulations or specific provisions related to electric bicycles and their operation, our team ensures that every aspect of your situation is considered.

Do not let a bicycle accident disrupt your life without seeking the compensation you deserve. Contact Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. today at 773-516-4100 for a free consultation. Visit our website to learn more about how our expertise in Chicago bicycle laws can work to your advantage in a personal injury claim.

Chicago bicycle injury lawyers Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. advocate for clients who have endured personal injuries or the tragic loss of a loved one in bicycle accidents resulting from another party’s reckless or negligent behavior. Our Chicago accident attorneys have helped numerous clients receive fair compensation for personal injuries sustained as a result of being hit by a motorist while bicycling. If you or a loved one were the victim of a bicycle accident occurring in Chicago, an Illinois bike injury attorney can explain your legal rights.

Chicago is an especially dangerous place to ride a bicycle. Even bicycle riders in Chicago who use the bike lanes are frequently injured by careless motorists who fail to keep a proper lookout for bicyclists. Every year numerous serious injuries and fatalities related to bicycle accidents occur throughout Chicago and Illinois, and all over the United States as well. If you have suffered serious bicycle accident-related injuries, or a loved one has died as a result of a vehicle-related bicycle accident, the team of injury attorneys at Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. can help you during this stressful period.

Bicycle accidents can result in severe injuries that may pose significant risks to one's life. Injuries may include severed limbs, broken vertebrae, or a fractured skull, in addition to broken collarbones and elbow joint damage, just to name a few. In the event of an injury, our team of Chicago injury attorneys understands that your initial concerns may be reimbursement for any out-of-pocket costs incurred, as well as initiation of treatment and physical therapy as soon as possible. In some instances, a longer course of treatment is required and as such, our bicycle accident lawyers can work with insurance companies and healthcare providers to get you the medical attention that you deserve. Whether you reside in Cook County, Madison County, or a surrounding area in Illinois, our accident attorneys will thoroughly investigate the details of the incident and work on your behalf with medical providers and insurance companies to ensure your financial and legal matters are resolved in the appropriate manner.

Though bicyclists are becoming more common on the streets of Chicago, bicyclists still need to be extra cautious for potential motorists who fail to operate their vehicles in a careful and reasonable manner. This duty requires maintaining a proper lookout for not only other vehicles but pedestrians and bicyclists as well. The Chicago bike accident attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. handle many bicycle vs. car accidents. Common scenarios include:

  • A car pulls out of a side street or alley and fails to see the bicyclist who is traveling on the left side of the main street because the bicyclist is blocked from the motorist’s vision by parked cars.
  • The motorist in a parked car opens his car door without looking into the path of a bicyclist.
  • The motorist makes a right turn and fails to see the bicyclist riding on the motorist’s right side and, as a result, turns into the bicyclist or cuts the bicyclist off.
  • A motorist making a left turn waits for motorist traffic to clear coming from the opposite direction and does not see the bicyclist traveling from the opposite direction and turns into the bicyclist or cuts the bicyclist off.
  • A bicyclist, riding with the flow of traffic far to the right, steers to the left to navigate around a parked car and is rear-ended by a motorist in the car lane.

Bicyclists should be aware of safety measures that can aid in preventing these types of accidents such as increasing visibility by wearing brightly colored clothing and utilizing a front and rear light on the bike. For more information on Bicycle safety, download our free Bicycle Safety Brochure.

Chicago bike ordinances attempt to address these bicycle safety problems. Pursuant to § 9-16-020 (e) and (f) of Municipal Code of Chicago, the driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection shall do so as follows:

(e) Right-of-way to a bicycle on left turn. The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to a bicycle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.

(f) Turning right in front of a bicycle. When a motor vehicle and a bicycle are traveling in the same direction on any highway, street, or road, the operator of the motor vehicle overtaking such bicycle traveling on the right side of the roadway shall not turn to the right in front of the bicycle at that intersection or at any alley or driveway until such vehicle has overtaken and is safely clear of the bicycle.

Additional regulations related to bicyclists are enumerated in Illinois Compiled Statutes, such as 625 ILCS 5/11-703(d), which provides:

(d) The operator of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle or individual proceeding in the same direction on a highway shall leave a safe distance, but not less than 3 feet, when passing the bicycle or individual and shall maintain that distance until safely past the overtaken bicycle or individual.

There are a plethora of accident attorneys in Chicago. However, if you or a loved one were injured in an accident while bicycling, it is essential to seek consultation from an accident attorney specializing in both personal injury and bicycle accidents.

If you or someone dear to you recently got hurt in a bicycle accident, or if you are a surviving family member of someone who has died in a bicycle accident, contact the bike injury attorneys by visiting our website or call us at 773-516-4100 to make an appointment for a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

Chicago Accident Lawyer Blog - Bicycle Accidents
Client Reviews
Someone rear-ended my car last spring and I was injured. Peter and Sofia Zneimer and they staff were professional and were always available by phone. I knew that the insurance of the other driver wasn't very good but they were still able to settle my case promptly and I was satisfied with the money I received. Overall, a very good trusted experience. Natig M.
I highly recommend the services of Zneimer and Zneimer. I often seek legal advice from them related to my immigration status and way forward. Both Sofia and Peter are very detailed and quick in answering any question. I laud their professionalism and a very efficient team that works for them. Suman S.
I totally recommend Sofia, she is the best lawyer in Chicago area. She is very professional, very detailed with her work and supportive. She always goes above and beyond to ensure the best outcome. Caring, compassionate and only the best for your family. I won my case because of her professionalism and her knowledge of the law. Aurel P.
I have dealt with Sofia Zneimer since 2009. She is a great lawyer and has helped me tremendously in navigating the process of green card. She is a great resource to have by your side. She is easy to reach. She responds very quickly, which was very important for me. If she can’t answer the question the same day, she does let you know that she is working on it. I would have no hesitation in recruiting her. Hemant S.
I called Zneimer & Zneimer after I was rear-ended on the highway. Peter and Sofia Zneimer have been very helpful in dealing with the insurance company and getting money for my car damage. They are also handling my injury case. They answer all my questions and I am always able to reach them on the phone anytime I want to talk to them. I am confident in having them represent me. The best choice i ever made. Thank you! Emil G.