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Niño Causa $200.000 en Daños

boy La policía de Plainfield dice que un niño de 12 años de edad es el responsable de 5 incendios en el área, que se produjeron durante la temporada de Navidad. El muchacho se acercó inicialmente a la policía como testigo, pero los investigadores decidieron mantener un ojo sobre él después de darse cuenta de que su historia no era sostenible. La policía capturo al niño el lunes presuntamente irrumpiendo en un vehículo. Después de llevarlo a la estación el niño confesó haber iniciado los incendios. El jefe de policía de Plainfield, John Konopek, dijo que el muchacho se sintió motivado por ver qué tan grandes se volverían los incendios. El niño ha estado en cuidado de crianza por varios años con la misma familia desde que su madre murió de cáncer. El niño está siendo detenido por comenzar cinco incendios en la misma cuadra desde diciembre hasta enero. La policía dice que el muchacho entró en vehículos desasegurados que estaban en garajes adjuntos o en la calle y comenzaba el fuego con cualquier cosa que encontraba dentro de los vehículos. El niño no tiene antecedentes penales, pero ahora se enfrenta a cinco cargos de incendio premeditado, tres cargos de allanamiento y dos cargos de daño criminal a la propiedad. Aunque hubo bastantes daños a la propiedad, no hubo daños personales y nadie sufrió quemaduras a causa de los incendios. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce es víctima de un incendio y ha sufrido quemaduras es importante que conozca sus derechos legales.

Los abogados experimentados de Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. pueden ayudarle a conocer sus derechos legales. Llame y programe una consulta de lesión personal gratuita.

Client Reviews
Someone rear-ended my car last spring and I was injured. Peter and Sofia Zneimer and they staff were professional and were always available by phone. I knew that the insurance of the other driver wasn't very good but they were still able to settle my case promptly and I was satisfied with the money I received. Overall, a very good trusted experience. Natig M.
I highly recommend the services of Zneimer and Zneimer. I often seek legal advice from them related to my immigration status and way forward. Both Sofia and Peter are very detailed and quick in answering any question. I laud their professionalism and a very efficient team that works for them. Suman S.
I totally recommend Sofia, she is the best lawyer in Chicago area. She is very professional, very detailed with her work and supportive. She always goes above and beyond to ensure the best outcome. Caring, compassionate and only the best for your family. I won my case because of her professionalism and her knowledge of the law. Aurel P.
I have dealt with Sofia Zneimer since 2009. She is a great lawyer and has helped me tremendously in navigating the process of green card. She is a great resource to have by your side. She is easy to reach. She responds very quickly, which was very important for me. If she can’t answer the question the same day, she does let you know that she is working on it. I would have no hesitation in recruiting her. Hemant S.
I called Zneimer & Zneimer after I was rear-ended on the highway. Peter and Sofia Zneimer have been very helpful in dealing with the insurance company and getting money for my car damage. They are also handling my injury case. They answer all my questions and I am always able to reach them on the phone anytime I want to talk to them. I am confident in having them represent me. The best choice i ever made. Thank you! Emil G.