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Conducir con Sueño Causa Accidentes

conducirUn estudio recientemente publicado por el Centro de Control de Enfermedades señala que el 4 por ciento de los adultos estadounidenses admiten cabecear mientras conducen durante el último mes. El estudio encontró que los hombres eran más propensos a reportar que se habían dormido durante la conducción que las mujeres. Las estimaciones de choques de tráfico fatales causados ​​por conductores somnolientos van de un 3 por ciento hasta un máximo de 32 por ciento. El CDC instó a los conductores a estar pendientes de las señales de alerta, tales como tener problemas para mantener los ojos abiertos, no recordar puntos de referencia y desviarse hacia la orilla del carril.

La Administración Nacional de Seguridad de Tráfico en Carretera -National Highway Traffic Safety Administration- (NHTSA) señala que actualmente no hay pruebas disponibles para cuantificar los niveles de somnolencia pero se observan las características de acuerdo con la NHTSA, tales como:

Los accidentes ocurren durante la noche / madrugada o media tarde.

  1. El accidente es probablemente serio.
  2. El conductor solitario sale de la vía.
  3. El camino tiene un límite de velocidad alta.
  4. El conductor no hace nada para evitar el accidente.

La NHTSA también identificó los siguientes grupos de población como los de mayor riesgo:

  1. Los jóvenes, especialmente los varones.
  2. Los trabajadores por turnos cuyos turnos cambian.
  3. Las personas con apnea del sueño o narcolepsia.

La firma de abogados de Chicago de lesiones personales Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. han manejado muchos casos involucrando acusados sin reflejos que parecían haberse quedado dormidos o estaban demasiado somnolientos para evitar un accidente. Estos accidentes son más comunes de lo que se les reconoce en los medios.

Client Reviews
Someone rear-ended my car last spring and I was injured. Peter and Sofia Zneimer and they staff were professional and were always available by phone. I knew that the insurance of the other driver wasn't very good but they were still able to settle my case promptly and I was satisfied with the money I received. Overall, a very good trusted experience. Natig M.
I highly recommend the services of Zneimer and Zneimer. I often seek legal advice from them related to my immigration status and way forward. Both Sofia and Peter are very detailed and quick in answering any question. I laud their professionalism and a very efficient team that works for them. Suman S.
I totally recommend Sofia, she is the best lawyer in Chicago area. She is very professional, very detailed with her work and supportive. She always goes above and beyond to ensure the best outcome. Caring, compassionate and only the best for your family. I won my case because of her professionalism and her knowledge of the law. Aurel P.
I have dealt with Sofia Zneimer since 2009. She is a great lawyer and has helped me tremendously in navigating the process of green card. She is a great resource to have by your side. She is easy to reach. She responds very quickly, which was very important for me. If she can’t answer the question the same day, she does let you know that she is working on it. I would have no hesitation in recruiting her. Hemant S.
I called Zneimer & Zneimer after I was rear-ended on the highway. Peter and Sofia Zneimer have been very helpful in dealing with the insurance company and getting money for my car damage. They are also handling my injury case. They answer all my questions and I am always able to reach them on the phone anytime I want to talk to them. I am confident in having them represent me. The best choice i ever made. Thank you! Emil G.